Orlando, USA
Registration now open: http://www.himssconference.org/registration/
Nov 11, 2007
Nov 10, 2007
2nd International Symposium on LBM (6-7 Dec 2007)
2007 Call for Participation
LBM 2007 R E G I S T R A T I O N IS NOW O P E N !**********************************************************************************
Registration for LBM 2007 is now open. Please go to the LBM 2007 website at http://lbm2007.biopathway.org/ <http://lbm2007.biopathway.org/> and register and book your accommodation.
Important Dates
Hotel reservation deadline: November 15, 2007
Early registration deadline: November 15, 2007
Panel Discussion: December 7, 2007
Banquet: December 6, 2007Symposium: December 6-7, 2007
Table of Contents
1. LBM 2007 in Biopolis, Singapore
2. Organizing Committee
3. Swissotel the Stamford Hotel Reservation Deadline
4. Lists of Accepted Papers
5. Acceptance Rates
6. Invited Speeches
7. Panel Discussion
1. LBM 2007 in Biopolis, Singapore
The 2nd International Symposium on Languages in Biology and Medicine (LBM) will be held at Matrix, Biopolis, Singapore, located near the Ministry ofEducation and on 30 Biopolis Street. The symposium banquet will take place on Thursday 6 December. The participants to LBM2007 are also welcome at the banquet for the International Conference on Genome Informatics (GIW), as well as for the conference itself, to be held on December 3-5 back-to-back with LBM 2007.
2. Organizing Committee
Steering Committee
See-Kiong Ng, I2R, Singapore
Jong C. Park, KAIST, Korea
Limsoon Wong, NUS, Singapore
General Chairs
Jong C. Park, KAIST, Korea
Limsoon Wong, NUS, Singapore
Programme Committee Chairs
Christopher J. O. Baker, I2R, Singapore
Su Jian, I2R, Singapore
Local Organizing Chair
Rajaraman Kanagasabai, I2R, Singapore
Programme Committee
Sophia Ananiadou, University of Manchester, UK
Vlad Bajic, University of the Western Cape, South Africa
Chitta Baral, Arizona State University, USA
Christian Blaschke, Bioalma, Spain
Anita Burgun, Universite de Rennes, France
Werner Ceusters, Buffalo NY, USA
Kevin B. Cohen, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, USA
Nigel Collier, National Institute for Informatics, Japan
Mark Craven, University of Wisconsin, USA
Rebholz Dietrich, EMBL-EBI, UK
Julian Gough, University of Bristol, UK
Volker Haarslev, Concordia University, Canada
Udo Hahn, Jena University, Germany
Lynette Hirschman, MITRE, USA
Graeme Hirst, University of Toronto, Canada
Ewan Klein, Edinburgh University, UK
Satoshi Kobayashi, University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Michael Krauthammer, Yale University School of Medicine, USA
Patrick Lambrix, Linköping University, Sweden
Liu, Hong Fang, Georgetown University Medical Center, USA
Yves Lussier, University of Chicago, USA
Erik van Mulligen, Erasmus MC, Netherlands
Jinah Park, Information & Communications University, Korea
Tom Rindflesch, National Library of Medicine, USA
Jasmin Saric, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
Neil Sarkar, Woods Hole, USA
Stefan Schulz, Freiburg University Hospital, Germany
Donia Scott, Open University, UK
Hagit Shatkay, Queen's University, Canada
Margaret Anne Storey, University Victoria, Canada
Jun'ichi Tsujii, University of Tokyo, Japan, University of Manchester, UK
Alfonso Valencia, CNIO, Spain
W. John Wilbur, NIH, USA
Rene Witte, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Hong Yu, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
Pierre Zweigenbaum, LIMSI-CNRS, France
Michel Dumontier, Carleton University, Canada
3. Swissotel the Stamford Hotel Reservation Deadline
The deadline for conference-rate reservation in the Swissotel the Stamford has been extended to November 15, 2007. After this date the hotel can guarantee neither the accommodation nor the prices.For more information about the accommodation and reservations see page http://lbm2007.biopathway.org/Registration.htm . Please note that the delegates to LBM2007 can reserve their rooms by November 15, though the room reservations form for the hotel states that it should be sent before "07 November, 2007".
4. Lists of Accepted Papers
Please see the lists of papers being accepted to the LBM special issue of BMC Bioinformatics and for long oral presentations and papers being accepted forshort oral presentations at: http://lbm2007.biopathway.org/AcceptedPapers.htm.
5. Acceptance Rates
Here are the numbers of submissions, accepted papers and counted acceptance rates:
Papers being accepted to the LBM special issue of BMC Bioinformatics and for long oral presentations: 25.5% (12 out of 47)
Papers for short oral presentations: 31.4% (11 out of 35)
6. Invited Speeches
Three invited speeches will be offered at the symposium. The abstract andthe short biography of each invited speaker is available at: http://lbm2007.biopathway.org/Speakers.htm.
Invited Speakers:
Olivier Bodenreider (National Library of Medicine, USA)
Sophia Ananiadou (University of Manchester, UK)
Patrick Lambrix (Linköpings Universitet, Sweden)
7. Panel Discussion
The panel discussion will be offered on the second day of the symposium.
Title: Biomedical Languae and Biomedical Knowledge: Emerging Synergies
Chair: Jun-ichi Tsujii (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Panelists: Invited Speakers
LBM 2007 R E G I S T R A T I O N IS NOW O P E N !**********************************************************************************
Registration for LBM 2007 is now open. Please go to the LBM 2007 website at http://lbm2007.biopathway.org/ <http://lbm2007.biopathway.org/> and register and book your accommodation.
Important Dates
Hotel reservation deadline: November 15, 2007
Early registration deadline: November 15, 2007
Panel Discussion: December 7, 2007
Banquet: December 6, 2007Symposium: December 6-7, 2007
Table of Contents
1. LBM 2007 in Biopolis, Singapore
2. Organizing Committee
3. Swissotel the Stamford Hotel Reservation Deadline
4. Lists of Accepted Papers
5. Acceptance Rates
6. Invited Speeches
7. Panel Discussion
1. LBM 2007 in Biopolis, Singapore
The 2nd International Symposium on Languages in Biology and Medicine (LBM) will be held at Matrix, Biopolis, Singapore, located near the Ministry ofEducation and on 30 Biopolis Street. The symposium banquet will take place on Thursday 6 December. The participants to LBM2007 are also welcome at the banquet for the International Conference on Genome Informatics (GIW), as well as for the conference itself, to be held on December 3-5 back-to-back with LBM 2007.
2. Organizing Committee
Steering Committee
See-Kiong Ng, I2R, Singapore
Jong C. Park, KAIST, Korea
Limsoon Wong, NUS, Singapore
General Chairs
Jong C. Park, KAIST, Korea
Limsoon Wong, NUS, Singapore
Programme Committee Chairs
Christopher J. O. Baker, I2R, Singapore
Su Jian, I2R, Singapore
Local Organizing Chair
Rajaraman Kanagasabai, I2R, Singapore
Programme Committee
Sophia Ananiadou, University of Manchester, UK
Vlad Bajic, University of the Western Cape, South Africa
Chitta Baral, Arizona State University, USA
Christian Blaschke, Bioalma, Spain
Anita Burgun, Universite de Rennes, France
Werner Ceusters, Buffalo NY, USA
Kevin B. Cohen, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, USA
Nigel Collier, National Institute for Informatics, Japan
Mark Craven, University of Wisconsin, USA
Rebholz Dietrich, EMBL-EBI, UK
Julian Gough, University of Bristol, UK
Volker Haarslev, Concordia University, Canada
Udo Hahn, Jena University, Germany
Lynette Hirschman, MITRE, USA
Graeme Hirst, University of Toronto, Canada
Ewan Klein, Edinburgh University, UK
Satoshi Kobayashi, University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Michael Krauthammer, Yale University School of Medicine, USA
Patrick Lambrix, Linköping University, Sweden
Liu, Hong Fang, Georgetown University Medical Center, USA
Yves Lussier, University of Chicago, USA
Erik van Mulligen, Erasmus MC, Netherlands
Jinah Park, Information & Communications University, Korea
Tom Rindflesch, National Library of Medicine, USA
Jasmin Saric, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
Neil Sarkar, Woods Hole, USA
Stefan Schulz, Freiburg University Hospital, Germany
Donia Scott, Open University, UK
Hagit Shatkay, Queen's University, Canada
Margaret Anne Storey, University Victoria, Canada
Jun'ichi Tsujii, University of Tokyo, Japan, University of Manchester, UK
Alfonso Valencia, CNIO, Spain
W. John Wilbur, NIH, USA
Rene Witte, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Hong Yu, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
Pierre Zweigenbaum, LIMSI-CNRS, France
Michel Dumontier, Carleton University, Canada
3. Swissotel the Stamford Hotel Reservation Deadline
The deadline for conference-rate reservation in the Swissotel the Stamford has been extended to November 15, 2007. After this date the hotel can guarantee neither the accommodation nor the prices.For more information about the accommodation and reservations see page http://lbm2007.biopathway.org/Registration.htm . Please note that the delegates to LBM2007 can reserve their rooms by November 15, though the room reservations form for the hotel states that it should be sent before "07 November, 2007".
4. Lists of Accepted Papers
Please see the lists of papers being accepted to the LBM special issue of BMC Bioinformatics and for long oral presentations and papers being accepted forshort oral presentations at: http://lbm2007.biopathway.org/AcceptedPapers.htm.
5. Acceptance Rates
Here are the numbers of submissions, accepted papers and counted acceptance rates:
Papers being accepted to the LBM special issue of BMC Bioinformatics and for long oral presentations: 25.5% (12 out of 47)
Papers for short oral presentations: 31.4% (11 out of 35)
6. Invited Speeches
Three invited speeches will be offered at the symposium. The abstract andthe short biography of each invited speaker is available at: http://lbm2007.biopathway.org/Speakers.htm.
Invited Speakers:
Olivier Bodenreider (National Library of Medicine, USA)
Sophia Ananiadou (University of Manchester, UK)
Patrick Lambrix (Linköpings Universitet, Sweden)
7. Panel Discussion
The panel discussion will be offered on the second day of the symposium.
Title: Biomedical Languae and Biomedical Knowledge: Emerging Synergies
Chair: Jun-ichi Tsujii (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Panelists: Invited Speakers
Oct 5, 2007
ISCB News (Oct 2007)
*/5th Annual Rocky Mountain Bioinformatics Conference (Rocky '07) /*
*/November 30 – December 2, 2007… Snowmass/Aspen, Colorado /*
*/SUBMISSION DEADLINE: October 8, 2007 /*
Just days remain before the chance to submit your abstract to Rocky '07 disappears. Make your plans now to attend this educational andcommunity building event in the majestic setting of the Colorado Rocky Mountains, just as the 07/08 ski season kicks off. All scientifically valid submissions are guaranteed a slot in the agenda or a spot in theposter session, and skiers and non-skiers alike will appreciate all that Aspen/Snowmass have to offer during the extended midday breaks. For four years running, attendees have come from all corners of the globe for this annual conference, many to return again for each year of theconference – make sure you are among them in 2007 by submitting yourabstract today and registering for the conference at the same time.
*/2008 Overton Prize and Accomplishment by a Senior Scientist Award/*
ISCB is now seeking nominations for the 2008 Overton Prize (applicable to an early career scientist) and the 2008 Accomplishment by a Senior Scientist Award (recognizing long term career achievement). The winners of both awards will deliver keynote talks at ISCB’s annual meeting, ISMB2008, in Toronto, Canada. These are international awards and nominations from all regions are encouraged. Please visit the URL above for links to more details about each award and its past winners, as well as to access the nomination form itself. All nominations will be treated confidentially. Self nominations are discouraged.
*RECOMB Satellite Meeting on Regulatory Genomics*
*/October 11 – 13, 2007 … MIT/Broad, Cambridge/Boston,Massachusetts/*
Next week the 4th Annual RECOMB Satellite Meeting on Regulatory Genomics will convene at MIT/The Broad Institute. As a newly affiliatedconference of the ISCB, we encourage all members of our community notcurrently registered to make last minute plans to attend this topicalevent focused on a systems-level understanding of gene regulation. Nineimpressive keynotes, 27 oral presentations, and three poster sessionsmake up the Thursday-Saturday agenda.
*/C-SHALS: Conference on Semantics in Healthcare andLife Sciences/*
*/March 5-7, 2008 … Marriott Boston Cambridge Hotel, Cambridge,Massachusetts/*
Comprehensive conference details to be posted soon for this first time ISCB conference!
*/ISMB 2008: 16th Annual Conferenceon Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology/*
*/July 19 – 23, 2008 … Toronto, Canada/*
A new website will be unveiled within days to include keynotes, committees, agenda at a glance and all the upcoming calls for participation.
*/ECCB 2008: 7th Annual European Conference on Computational Biology/*
*/September 22 – 26, 2008 … Cagliari, Sardinia-Italy/*
Conference details including keynote speakers, provisional program, key dates, submission guidelines, registration rates, newsletter subscription information and more are all up to date on the conference website.
*Survey Results Now Online for ISMB/ECCB 2007 in Vienna*
Over 1800 attended ISMB/ECCB 2007 in Vienna this past July and nearly 40% of them completed the online conference evaluation survey. If you were among the survey takers and want to see how your answers contributed to the overall ratings, or if you are just curious as you evaluate your plans for attending in 2008, please visit the URL above. ISCB and the annual conference steering committees take the survey results seriously, and we would like to thank each delegate that took the time to share thoughts and impressions via the survey. (Five iPodNanos were awarded through a random drawing of survey takers – to see the list of winners check out the announcement on the home page of theconference site at _www.iscb.org/ismbeccb2007/_ - the survey is also viewable from that page.).
*/5th Annual Rocky Mountain Bioinformatics Conference (Rocky '07) /*
*/November 30 – December 2, 2007… Snowmass/Aspen, Colorado /*
*/SUBMISSION DEADLINE: October 8, 2007 /*
Just days remain before the chance to submit your abstract to Rocky '07 disappears. Make your plans now to attend this educational andcommunity building event in the majestic setting of the Colorado Rocky Mountains, just as the 07/08 ski season kicks off. All scientifically valid submissions are guaranteed a slot in the agenda or a spot in theposter session, and skiers and non-skiers alike will appreciate all that Aspen/Snowmass have to offer during the extended midday breaks. For four years running, attendees have come from all corners of the globe for this annual conference, many to return again for each year of theconference – make sure you are among them in 2007 by submitting yourabstract today and registering for the conference at the same time.
*/2008 Overton Prize and Accomplishment by a Senior Scientist Award/*
ISCB is now seeking nominations for the 2008 Overton Prize (applicable to an early career scientist) and the 2008 Accomplishment by a Senior Scientist Award (recognizing long term career achievement). The winners of both awards will deliver keynote talks at ISCB’s annual meeting, ISMB2008, in Toronto, Canada. These are international awards and nominations from all regions are encouraged. Please visit the URL above for links to more details about each award and its past winners, as well as to access the nomination form itself. All nominations will be treated confidentially. Self nominations are discouraged.
*RECOMB Satellite Meeting on Regulatory Genomics*
*/October 11 – 13, 2007 … MIT/Broad, Cambridge/Boston,Massachusetts/*
Next week the 4th Annual RECOMB Satellite Meeting on Regulatory Genomics will convene at MIT/The Broad Institute. As a newly affiliatedconference of the ISCB, we encourage all members of our community notcurrently registered to make last minute plans to attend this topicalevent focused on a systems-level understanding of gene regulation. Nineimpressive keynotes, 27 oral presentations, and three poster sessionsmake up the Thursday-Saturday agenda.
*/C-SHALS: Conference on Semantics in Healthcare andLife Sciences/*
*/March 5-7, 2008 … Marriott Boston Cambridge Hotel, Cambridge,Massachusetts/*
Comprehensive conference details to be posted soon for this first time ISCB conference!
*/ISMB 2008: 16th Annual Conferenceon Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology/*
*/July 19 – 23, 2008 … Toronto, Canada/*
A new website will be unveiled within days to include keynotes, committees, agenda at a glance and all the upcoming calls for participation.
*/ECCB 2008: 7th Annual European Conference on Computational Biology/*
*/September 22 – 26, 2008 … Cagliari, Sardinia-Italy/*
Conference details including keynote speakers, provisional program, key dates, submission guidelines, registration rates, newsletter subscription information and more are all up to date on the conference website.
*Survey Results Now Online for ISMB/ECCB 2007 in Vienna*
Over 1800 attended ISMB/ECCB 2007 in Vienna this past July and nearly 40% of them completed the online conference evaluation survey. If you were among the survey takers and want to see how your answers contributed to the overall ratings, or if you are just curious as you evaluate your plans for attending in 2008, please visit the URL above. ISCB and the annual conference steering committees take the survey results seriously, and we would like to thank each delegate that took the time to share thoughts and impressions via the survey. (Five iPodNanos were awarded through a random drawing of survey takers – to see the list of winners check out the announcement on the home page of theconference site at _www.iscb.org/ismbeccb2007/_ - the survey is also viewable from that page.).
Aug 25, 2007
More Bioinformatics Event for 2007
27-31 Aug 07:
6th International Conference on Bioinformatics (InCoB2007)
Hong Kong - Hanoi - Nansha
Registration still open
6-7 Sep 07:
The Fourth International Conference on Life Science Grids 2007 (LSGrid2007)
University of Glasgow, Scotland
3-5 Dec 07:
The 18th International Conference on Genomic Informatics (GIW)
Biopolis, Singapore
Call for posters open till 16th Sep 07
6-7 Dec 07:
The 2nd International Symposium on Languages in Biology and Medicine (LBM) 2007
Biopolis, Singapore
Call for papers open till 9th Sep 07
Please refer to our website http://www.ambis.org.sg for more information.
6th International Conference on Bioinformatics (InCoB2007)
Hong Kong - Hanoi - Nansha
Registration still open
6-7 Sep 07:
The Fourth International Conference on Life Science Grids 2007 (LSGrid2007)
University of Glasgow, Scotland
3-5 Dec 07:
The 18th International Conference on Genomic Informatics (GIW)
Biopolis, Singapore
Call for posters open till 16th Sep 07
6-7 Dec 07:
The 2nd International Symposium on Languages in Biology and Medicine (LBM) 2007
Biopolis, Singapore
Call for papers open till 9th Sep 07
Please refer to our website http://www.ambis.org.sg for more information.
Int'l e-Health and Telemedicine Workshop
Dates: 15 - 16 NOV 2007
Venue: Centre of Excellence in e-Medicine, University of Western Australia, Perth
This workshop introduces participants to telemedicine technology and rural and remote health care delivery. Participants will examine the types of advanced technologies which are fast becoming commonplace. The workshop includes Medical Informatics, Electronic Patient Records, Internet and Telemedicine, Nursing Informatics, Clinical Decision Support Systems and Project Management.
20% discount for early bird registrations.
Venue: Centre of Excellence in e-Medicine, University of Western Australia, Perth
This workshop introduces participants to telemedicine technology and rural and remote health care delivery. Participants will examine the types of advanced technologies which are fast becoming commonplace. The workshop includes Medical Informatics, Electronic Patient Records, Internet and Telemedicine, Nursing Informatics, Clinical Decision Support Systems and Project Management.
20% discount for early bird registrations.
Healthcare IT 2007
Venue: Pan Pacific Hotel, Singapore
Healthcare IT 2007 is into its 2nd year and back with a difference! This year's focus will be about bridging the communication gap between clinicians, IT administrators and patients with special highlights on the convergence of Mobility, Connectivity and Interoperability for the value proposition of healthcare IT. Hear from Clinicians and IT professionals from BANGKOK HOSPITAL, CHANGI GENERAL HOSPITAL, INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH, SINGHEALTH GROUP, Yonsei University HospitaL and many others in the region.
Be at the cutting edge of change and the leader in propelling the Healthcare Industry into the 21st Century!
AMBIS members are entitled to 20% discount off the standard delegate price. Contact Colleen Yong NOW at +65 6324 9751 or email at cyong@availcorp.com
AMBIS AGM & Dinner 2007
Dates: 6 JUN 2007 6.30PM - 9.00PM
Venue: Infuzi Restaurant, Singapore
All members are invited to attend the AMBIS dinner at Infuzi restaurant, Biopolis. To facilitate dinner arrangements, AMBIS members who like to attend the event are requested to contact AMBIS secretary specifying their choice of a) No dietary restrictions, b) HALAL food, or c) vegetarian food
Venue: Infuzi Restaurant, Singapore
All members are invited to attend the AMBIS dinner at Infuzi restaurant, Biopolis. To facilitate dinner arrangements, AMBIS members who like to attend the event are requested to contact AMBIS secretary specifying their choice of a) No dietary restrictions, b) HALAL food, or c) vegetarian food
BMS Enterprise Congress 2007
Dates: 2 - 3 JUL 2007
Venue: Singapore
Join us at BMS Enterprise 2007 Congress is an exclusive gathering that will bring together senior-level decision makers from healthcare & clinical research, pharmaceutical manufacturing and biologics, medical technology and biotechnology. Learn how to attract and retain key management and scientific talent and to align their corporate strategy that will boost R&D productivity to a high. Hear from leading organizations such as The West Clinic Excellence Cancer Center, The National Science & Technology Development Agency, Thailand, Ministry of Economy Affairs Taiwan and many more!
For more information, please contact Colleen Yong at +65 6324 9751, email at cyong@availcorp.com or visit us at www.availcorp.com
Venue: Singapore
Join us at BMS Enterprise 2007 Congress is an exclusive gathering that will bring together senior-level decision makers from healthcare & clinical research, pharmaceutical manufacturing and biologics, medical technology and biotechnology. Learn how to attract and retain key management and scientific talent and to align their corporate strategy that will boost R&D productivity to a high. Hear from leading organizations such as The West Clinic Excellence Cancer Center, The National Science & Technology Development Agency, Thailand, Ministry of Economy Affairs Taiwan and many more!
For more information, please contact Colleen Yong at +65 6324 9751, email at cyong@availcorp.com or visit us at www.availcorp.com
May 5, 2007
HIMMS Asiapac 07 Conference and Exhibition
Dates: 15 - 18 MAY 2007
Venue: Raffles City Convention Centre, Singapore
Discover New Healthcare IT Solutions.
Develop New Connections.
Share Global Insights.
Stakeholders across Asia Pacific will gather to exchange knowledge, showcase successful strategies and share practical solutions to healthcare IT challenges.
The agenda features keynotes and thought leader speakers; over 50 education sessions; real-world case studies; a hands-on trade exhibit with interoperability demonstrations; networking forums; professional development opportunities and much more.
To register, visit: http://www.himssasiapac.org/
AMBIS is proud to be a Supporting Organization of HIMSS AsiaPac07!
Venue: Raffles City Convention Centre, Singapore
Discover New Healthcare IT Solutions.
Develop New Connections.
Share Global Insights.
Stakeholders across Asia Pacific will gather to exchange knowledge, showcase successful strategies and share practical solutions to healthcare IT challenges.
The agenda features keynotes and thought leader speakers; over 50 education sessions; real-world case studies; a hands-on trade exhibit with interoperability demonstrations; networking forums; professional development opportunities and much more.
To register, visit: http://www.himssasiapac.org/
AMBIS is proud to be a Supporting Organization of HIMSS AsiaPac07!
May 1, 2007
2nd Annual Strategic Healthcare Management
Dates: 7th-9th May 2007
Venue: Singapore
Description: Building on the success of our sold-out inaugural event in 2006, Strategic Healthcare Management 2007, will once again provide you with great opportunities to learn from leading Chief Executives from regional healthcare providers who will be sharing with you their success stories and crucial insights into effective healthcare management, patient safety and administrative applications for Healthcare IT.
Capitalize this opportunity to network with noted healthcare management practitioners from APPOLO HOSPITAL, GLENEAGLES INTAN MEDICAL CENTRE, MINISTRY OF HEALTH, SINGHEALTH GROUP, NATIONAL HEALTHCARE GROUP and others in the region while exchanging insights on running a dynamic healthcare establishment in the 21st Century!
For more information, contact Colleen Yong at +65 6324 9751, email at cyong@availcorp.com or visit us at www.availcorp.com. Discounts: AMBIS members are entitled to 10% discount off the standard delegate fee.
Venue: Singapore
Description: Building on the success of our sold-out inaugural event in 2006, Strategic Healthcare Management 2007, will once again provide you with great opportunities to learn from leading Chief Executives from regional healthcare providers who will be sharing with you their success stories and crucial insights into effective healthcare management, patient safety and administrative applications for Healthcare IT.
Capitalize this opportunity to network with noted healthcare management practitioners from APPOLO HOSPITAL, GLENEAGLES INTAN MEDICAL CENTRE, MINISTRY OF HEALTH, SINGHEALTH GROUP, NATIONAL HEALTHCARE GROUP and others in the region while exchanging insights on running a dynamic healthcare establishment in the 21st Century!
For more information, contact Colleen Yong at +65 6324 9751, email at cyong@availcorp.com or visit us at www.availcorp.com. Discounts: AMBIS members are entitled to 10% discount off the standard delegate fee.
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