AMBIS has the privilege of inviting Professor Jack Li, President of the Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics (APAMI) to give our AMBIS Annual Lecture this year.
AMBIS Annual Lecture:
"Building a National Infrastructure for the Future of e-Health"
We will also be holding our Annual General Meeting following the Lecture.
Date: 8th July 2008 (Tue)
Time: 6:45pm-9:30pm
Venue: NUS Guild House @ Kent Ridge Park
Members: free
Non-Members: $15 (students), $30 (individuals)
Do mark down this date & RSVP to
Jun 18, 2008
Jun 17, 2008
HL7 Singapore Launch (27 Jun 2008)
Invitation to the
Health Level Seven (Singapore)
Launch Event
June 27, 2008 | MOH Auditorium
New technologies are being introduced in hospitals and other healthcare organizations at an ever-increasing rate. Many of these innovations have the potential to interact synergistically if they can be integrated effectively. The need for interoperability between health IT systems has attracted great attention particularly in the recent years as we move closer to the dream of patient-centric care that spans the healthcare continuum.
Standards facilitate information exchange and are a critical foundation to enable interoperability of health IT solutions. HL7 plays a pivotal role as it specifies a number of standards, guidelines and methodologies by which various health IT systems can interact with one another. These standards and guidelines enable information to be shared and processed in a uniform and consistent manner. In addition, HL7 as an organization provides a mature place in which users, purchasers and suppliers can build consensus on health IT systems interoperability and the means to achieve standardisation.
You are invited to the official launch of the HL7 Singapore affiliate on June 27, 2008 at the MOH Auditorium (Level 2, College of Medicine Building). The launch agenda and registration instructions are as follows:
8:30am Registration
9:00am Address by Chairman, HL7 Singapore
9:10am Towards a National Interoperable EHR
by Dr Sarah Christine Muttitt, CIO (MOH Holdings)
9:40am Health Level 7: Building Towards A Global Future
by Dr Charles Jaffe, CEO (HL7 Inc)
10:10am Launch of HL7 Singapore
10:20am Break / Membership Recruitment
10:45am HL7 Global Standards: Demystified!
9:00am Address by Chairman, HL7 Singapore
9:10am Towards a National Interoperable EHR
by Dr Sarah Christine Muttitt, CIO (MOH Holdings)
9:40am Health Level 7: Building Towards A Global Future
by Dr Charles Jaffe, CEO (HL7 Inc)
10:10am Launch of HL7 Singapore
10:20am Break / Membership Recruitment
10:45am HL7 Global Standards: Demystified!
by Mr Gora Datta, Chairman & CEO (Cal2Cal & HL7 Ambassador)
12:30pm End
12:30pm End
This Launch Event is open to all clinicians, healthcare & IT professionals who are involved in planning & driving healthcare IT initiatives. If interested, please register by using this form or emailing by the 24th June 2008.
For more information, please refer to the HL7 Singapore website.
Jun 5, 2008
Bioinformatics Workshop on R/BioConductor for Microarray Analysis (13 Jun 2008)
Microarray analysis is a very common activity in any modern life science research laboratory. However, the ability to analyse the data professionally is critical. Many bioinformatics/statistical software packages are commonly used. One popular package is the R/BioConductor suite. The Association of Medical and BioInformatics Singapore (AMBIS) in collaboration with the Bioinformatics Centre, and Dept of Biochemistry, NUS, with the Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Network (APBioNet) is pleased to announce a "Bioinformatics Workshop on R/BioConductor for Microarray Analysis" scheduled for 13 June 2008 to be held at LS Lab8, Level 4, Block MD7 at the Dept of Biochemistry, National University of Singapore.
Training material:
You are cordially invited to participate in this hands-on workshop on R/BioConductor.
DATE: Fri 13 June 2008
TIME: 9am - 5.30pm
VENUE: Level 4 LS Lab 8, Block MD7, Department of Biochemistry,
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore
- FREE TO ALL AMBIS MEMBERS (Association of Medical and Bio Informatics Singapore) If you wish to join, please see AMBIS Membership page
- FOR NON-MEMBERS: $30 for students (to cover refreshments) $60 for non-students (includes 1 year membership to AMBIS and 1 year membership to APBioNet plus AMBIS certificate of participation signed by AMBIS President)
Please bring your laptop with you with power cable. Minimum requirements 1 Gbyte RAM PC with DVD reader. LiveCD will be issued. Alternatively, you can install on your Windows operating system VMPlayer and download a vmk file which will we customise for you.
Training material:
They will be placed online in advance. If you need hardcopy, please inform us.
Please sign up on the online registration page at
Please pay at the registration desk on the date of registration. Please make all cheques payable to "Association of Medical and Bio Informatics Singapore" or pay cash and obtain a receipt.
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